Follow the Prophet was one of the first Latter Day Saint church songs I learned. It has a catchy tune and I think it sounds great as a 12 hole Ocarina tab.
Here is the song/melody for “Follow the Prophet” like it’s supposed to sound on the lds website. And here is the print version if you’re interested in printing the 12 hole Ocarina sheet music for follow the prophet
Ad-am was a proph-et first one that we know.
In a place called Ed-en, he helped things to gro-w.
Ad -am served the Lord by fol-low-ing his ways.
We are his descendants in the lat-ter days.
Fol-low the proph-et, fol-low the proph-et,
fol-low the proph-et, Fol-low the proph-et; he knows the way.